Harry Truman
Thought you'd enjoy this!
It's one you want your Children and Grandchildren to read. They won't believe this happened, but it DID.
Harry & Bess
Harry Truman was a different kind of President.
He probably made as many, or more important decisions regarding our nation's history as any of the other 32 Presidents preceding him.
However, a measure of his greatness may rest on what he did after he left the White House.
The only asset he had when he died was the house he lived in, which was in Independence ,
Missouri .
His wife had inherited the house from her mother and father and other than their years in the White
House, they lived their entire lives there.
When he retired from office in 1952 his income was a U.S. Army pension reported to have been $13,507..72 a year.
Congress, noting that he was paying for his stamps and personally licking them, granted him an 'allowance' and later, a retroactive pension of $25,000 per year.
After President Eisenhower was inaugurated, Harry and Bess drove home to Missouri by themselves. There was no Secret Service following them.
When offered corporate positions at large salaries, he declined, stating, "You don't want me. You want the office of the President, and that doesn't belong to me. It belongs to the American people and it's not for sale."
Even later, on May 6, 1971, when Congress was preparing to award him the Medal of Honor on his 87th birthday, he refused to accept it, writing, "I don't consider that I have done anything which should be the reason for any award, Congressional or otherwise."
As president he paid for all of his own travel expenses and food.
Modern politicians have found a new level of success in cashing in on the Presidency, resulting in untold wealth.
Today, too many in Congress also have found a way to become quite wealthy while enjoying the fruits of their offices. Political offices are now for sale.
Good old Harry Truman was correct when he observed, "My choices in life were either to be a piano player in a whore house or a politician. And to tell the truth, there's hardly any difference!
We ought to have cloned him for telling it like it is and being frugal with our tax dollars!
História. Por cá a história é outra e temos, para já uns oportunos (?) protopresidentes para colecionar. Muitos cromos...
ResponderEliminarIsto corre mesmo mal um dia destes, Pedro.
Uma colecção, Agostinho!!
EliminarEstou a pensar se não me candidato também :)))
~ O presidente que se levantava às 5h para treinar piano.
ResponderEliminar~ ~ Especial num tempo muito especial. ~ ~
Ao contrário da presente sensaboria dececionante vigente nos ''states''...
Se fosse só em terras do Tio Sam, Majo....
Estes exemplos devem ser relembrados, o que o Pedro fez oportunamente. É importante não nos esquecermos que a política e a dedicação à causa pública pode ser regida pela ética.
ResponderEliminarInfelizmente Harry Truman é excepção, não regra, Miss Smile.
EliminarOutros tempos, outras gentes, outra dignidade.
ResponderEliminarMais uma razão para divulgar, Carlos
EliminarTempos completamente diferentes! Lembro-me do dia em que o meu pai me levou ao Banco ( na altura, Nacional Ultramarino) e me apresentou a um senhor do balcão, foi um momento importante pois ele fez questão de me dizer que estava num local especial, fiquei com a ideia que nos Bancos só poderiam trabalhar pessoas da máxima e total confiança....:))) onde é que isso já vai! xx
ResponderEliminarHavia mais respeito porque as pessoas que ocupavam altos cargos se davam mais ao respeito, papoila.
EliminarPois é: gente com este íntimo e esta formação pessoal já (quase) não há! E os que há são considerados totós...
ResponderEliminarSe os há contam-se pelos dedos de uma mão, Graça.
EliminarE é bem possível que sobrem dedos.....